Overcoming the Fear of Adulting

It’s easy for people to joke around and say, “Adulting is hard.” Most of us understand that there are responsibilities attached to being a grown-up that we didn’t have as kids or teenagers.

However, there’s a difference between not wanting to “adult” and fearing tackling those responsibilities. There’s no question that certain aspects of adulting can seem overwhelming and, yes, scary. So, what can you do if you’re struggling with fear and are unsure how to overcome it as you enter adulthood?

Let’s cover a few tips that can help boost your confidence as you go into this next chapter of life. 

Consider the Benefits

It’s far too easy to think about the “cons” of adulting, and the anxiety and fear that comes with it is usually a fear of failure. There’s a lot of pressure on your shoulders when you become an adult, and if that’s all you focus on, it’s all you’ll fear. 

Instead, choose to think about some of the perks of being an adult. You get to set your own rules (within reason, of course). You can decorate your home as you see fit. Your schedule is up to you. These might seem like little things, but if you make them the focus of your day, you’ll see that adulting certainly has its perks.

When you do think about some of the less exciting parts of being an adult, consider what you could do to make them more fun. Cleaning your house? Listen to music and dance! Running “boring” errands? Treat yourself to your favorite coffee drink on the way. 

Be Mindful of the Moment

Anxiety often stems from a fear of the unknown. People who are anxious about something tend to wonder “what if” and somehow come up with the worst possible scenarios for any situation. 

You can stop those anxious thoughts by practicing mindfulness. Choose to focus on the present rather than worrying about the future. When you feel those anxious thoughts creeping in, close your eyes and focus on your breathing and how you’re feeling at that very moment. It can be just enough of a pause to stop those worries in their tracks so you can get back to enjoying the present.

Mistakes Are Okay

No one enjoys failing. It’s even understandable to be worried about it, especially when you’re stepping into the world of adulting for the first time. 

But it’s important to remind yourself that failing is a part of life. Mistakes are okay. In fact, you should try to change your perspective on what it means to make a mistake. 

Some of the most successful people of all time had to go through colossal failures to find their fame and fortune, including people like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Oprah Winfrey. If they had stayed focused on those failures instead of learning and growing from them, they wouldn’t have found their success.

You can learn a lot from your mistakes. They’ll make you resilient and can motivate you to keep going forward so you can try again. Embrace the fact that you’ll fail, and think about what your next step will be. 

Adulting can be hard. There’s no denying that. But, if you’re willing to shift your perspective and embrace the positive things about being a grown-up, you can learn to fight back against fear and actually enjoy the experience. 

Additionally, don’t be afraid to reach out for help and support. If you can’t seem to shake your anxiety, you don’t have to go through it alone. Lean on your support system, and consider talking to a mental health professional to manage your symptoms and joining support groups. Forward Together Counseling offers a young adult support group on Mondays at 5:00 pm. If you are needing support, you can learn more here.


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