Stress From Success: 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your Cool

You’ve reached the top of the corporate ladder. You got a big raise. Your family is the envy of everyone in your neighborhood. You were able to build your dream house. No matter your definition of success, it’s something everyone dreams about at one point. However, success often comes with a price. Studies have shown that highly-successful people are often anxious and tend to deal with a lot of stress.

You might feel a lot of weight on your shoulders or extreme pressure to perform. Whatever the case, letting that stress take over can lead to anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions.

Let’s cover a few tips you can use to keep your cool, manage your stress, and enjoy your success.

1. Be Kind to Yourself

Success can come with a lot of pressure. You might develop high expectations of yourself. They might even border on unrealistic. That often leads to unhealthy perfectionism, which can make you criticize yourself if you “fail.” The reality is no one is perfect. Even the most successful people on earth fail. Show self-compassion. Be kind to yourself. If a close friend or family member was struggling with the same thoughts, how would you treat them? Don’t treat yourself any differently.

2. Practice Self-Care

In addition to being compassionate with yourself, take care of yourself. Do at least one thing daily that helps reduce stress and brings you happiness. That might be exercising, cooking a healthy meal, journaling, or spending time with loved ones. Just a few minutes of that kind of care each day can make a big difference in your stress levels and help life to feel more worthwhile. Self-care isn’t selfish, and it isn’t a waste of time.

3. Establish Routines

Does your average day seem hectic or chaotic? Do you have to make countless decisions, meet deadlines, or try to please your boss? Uncertainty is often a major source of stress. While you might not be able to schedule everything in your life, establishing healthy routines where you can makes a big difference. Start simple by waking up at the same time each day and going through the same morning routine. If you have to tackle certain tasks at work each day, do them at the same time every day. Routines can bring comfort and familiarity and help you feel more in control when everything else seems chaotic.

4. Check Your Progress

Instead of focusing on perfectionism or nothing, look at your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly progress. If you’re feeling stressed about work, a specific project, or even not feeling like you’re as “far ahead” as you should be, look back at the progress you’ve made over a period of time. Maybe you’re not at the top of the mountain yet, but seeing how far you’ve come can change your perspective, help you focus on the journey, and allow you to relax.

5. Lean On Your Support System

You’ve probably heard the expression, “it’s lonely at the top.” If you let success get the best of you, no matter where it stems from, you’re going to have a hard time dealing with stress. Make sure you spend time with the people you care about. Strike a healthy work-life balance, and don’t be afraid to open up and be vulnerable if you’re struggling with stress. Sometimes, something as simple as “venting” can make a big difference.

If you’re having difficulty managing your stress and keeping cool, consider reaching out for professional help. Counselors at Forward Together can help you get to the bottom of your stress. Together, we’ll work on even more ways to combat it and enjoy your success without letting it overwhelm you.


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