Holistic Ways to Treat Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world. People deal with different symptoms and different severities. But, no matter what, it can take a toll on your overall quality of life. Because so many people struggle with depression, there are many treatment options availabile. If you’ve been seen by a psychiatrist or even a general practitioner for depression, they may have prescribed a medication to help manage your symptoms.

While medication can be helpful for some wiht symptoms of depression, everyone may not want to go that route for personal or medical reasons. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can treat depression without medication. 

Take Care of Yourself

One of the easiest ways to fight back against negative symptoms of depression is to prioritize self-care. Self care can look very different depending on the person. It may include; exercising, eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, or making time for a hobby or activity you enjoy. Implementing these rituals can make a big difference in how you feel. For many, these simple changes may boost your mood and keep your symptoms from feeling so overwhelming. 

In addition to taking care of yourself in these ways, try to do things you actually enjoy. Depression can make it difficult to want to “get out” and do things. But, if you can force yourself to spend time out of the house, participating in enjoyable hobbies, you’re more likely to feel better. Try to prioritize doing something you know you love, or consider taking on a new hobby. 

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness has gotten a lot of attention in recent years—and rightfully so! It can reduce stress, help with anxiety, and fight back against depression. Depression often comes with feelings of self-doubt or hopelessness. You might find yourself thinking about the past and the things that trigger your sadness. Or, you look at the future, and things seem bleak. Mindfulness helps by keeping you focused on the present. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by your symptoms, practicing mindfulness can bring you back to the present moment. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and how your senses react to your surroundings. You can’t control what thoughts enter your head, but you do control whether you hang onto them or not. Mindfulness allows those thoughts to pass by without lingering, making them less overwhelming.

Set Small Goals

One of the best ways to overcome depression is to accomplish small goals that help you feel good and boost your sense of self-worth. Set small goals for yourself, and work toward them every day. It could be something as simple as accomplishing five tasks or exercising each day. You’ll feel good about yourself as you accomplish those goals and might find more motivation to move on to larger achievements. Not only do small goals help to give you a purpose, but they can improve your mood all at once.

Know You’re Not Alone

Depression is often very manageable. But, the best way to treat it is to get to the root cause of it. If you don’t want to take medication for your depression, consider talking to a mental health professional about your struggles.

Even if your depression is triggered by something that happened in childhood, a therapist can help you dig deeper and determine where it comes from. Then, you can officially begin the healing process. Don’t hesitate to contact me to set up an appointment or to learn more about treatment options without medication. 


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