Part 2: Holistic Ways to Cope with Anxiety

Because anxiety is so common, there are countless treatment options that make it easier to manage. For some people, prescription medication is a very helpful tool to combat anxiety symptoms and help them get to a place where no longer feel paralyzed with worry.

However, not everyone wants to dive into the world of prescription medications. If this is the case for you, there are many strategies that you can try to reduce anxiety.

Yes, there are holistic ways to cope with anxiety. While it’s still important to talk to a professional and get to the root cause of your fear, holistic practices can make it easier to manage your symptoms. Let’s cover a few of the most effective ways to cope. 

Take Care of Your Body

Self-care often feels like a buzzword nowadays, but it’s incredibly important. Taking care of yourself physically is one of the best ways to start managing your anxiety. It allows you to heal your body and prioritize your health, making you more clear-headed and less fearful. Things like healthy eating, prioritizing sleep, and getting enough physical activity will always make a difference in your physical and mental health.

All of these things are important, but getting enough sleep is proably the most important. There are several steps you can take to improve your sleep like having a consistent sleep and wake time, ensuring the bedroom is fully dark, and avoiding caffeine past mid-day. Getting a good night’s rest can make a big difference in how anxious you feel throughout the day. 

Pay Attention to Triggers

Emotional work requires a lot of awareness. If you choose to talk to a therapist, one of the most important things you’ll do is work to discover the root cause of your anxiety. You can start that on your own by recognizing what triggers your anxious thoughts and feelings. 

Start keeping a list in a notebook or your phone when you notice anxiety kicking in. Jot down the time of day, location, the primary thought or body sensation, and who you are with. After doing this for a couple weeks, review the log and notice any patterns. Then consider if any changes might help. For instance, do you notice that you consistently feel anxious before a meeting with your boss? Brainstorm why this might be and if you can do anything to lower your anxiety like come to the meeting with an agenda, practice assertive communication, or ask for advice from a co-worker.

Talk About It

One of the best things you can do to cope with anxiety holistically is to talk about it. Far too often, people keep their thoughts and feelings inside. You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed because of your feelings. By opening up to safe friends and family members, you might even be surprised to find that many of them experience anxiety, too. Sharing your emotions is a great way to feel like you’re more in control and experience the support you deserve. Anxiety can be very isolating and lonely if you don’t open up about your struggles to someone.

If you’re looking for an alternative option to medication for your anxiety, consider one of these solutions. If you still want more information, please contact us to learn more about working with a counselor to better manage your anxiety.


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Part 1: Natural Remedies to Reduce Anxiety