Tips for Re-Entering The Dating World After a Break Up

When you first break up with someone, you might feel like you never want to jump back into the world of dating again. Family members and friends might start encouraging you to “get back out there,” and you might find yourself wondering if you’re ready to start dating again. 

Unfortunately, it’s easy to start dating before you are truly ready, either because you feel pressured into it or because you just think it’s been “long enough.” 

There’s no ideal timeline when it comes to dating again after ending a relationship. Instead of focusing on an exact length of time, try to determine if you’re really ready. If you’re not sure how to do that, there are some clear signs to look for. 

You’ve Spent Time on Yourself

Get to know yourself after a breakup — especially if you were in a long-term relationship with someone. It’s often far too easy to lose yourself in a relationship. Your partnership may have become a core part of your identity, and when that partnership is over, you might find yourself wondering who you really are. 

Rediscovering your values, interests, beliefs, and what you really want out of life can make you feel rejuvenated. It can boost your self-esteem and give you a clearer picture of what you want in a future relationship. 

Try a new hobby. Get involved in old interests. Re-examine your values and what’s truly important to you. The more firmly you can stand in who you are, the more stable you’ll be in your next relationship. 

You Have Clear Expectations and Goals

We’ve all seen movies and television shows where people make checklists suggesting what their perfect partner needs to have. While it’s not okay to expect perfection from anyone — including yourself — it’s not a bad idea to have expectations and goals in mind for your future partner and relationship. 

If you have clear goals and expectations for what you want your next relationship to look like, you’re probably ready to jump back in. If you’re still not sure what you want or what you’re looking for, give yourself some time. You still might be trying to find out who you are and what you want your future to look like. 

You’re Taking Care of Yourself

It’s normal to grieve a breakup by eating ice cream and listening to sad songs. No matter how your relationship ended, understand that it’s still a loss, and you’re allowed to grieve. 

But, once you’ve worked through that grieving process, you have to be willing to get back up and take care of yourself. Prioritize sleep. Stay physically active. Practice mindfulness, write in a journal, or meditate each day. 

When you make self-care a priority, you’re focusing more on what’s best for your overall well-being instead of focusing on getting back into a relationship “just because.” With that kind of mindset, you’re more likely to find something stable and healthy when you start to look for a partner again. 

What If You’re Still Struggling?

If you still feel like you haven’t effectively moved on from your last relationship, don’t put extra pressure on yourself to start dating. 

Instead, reach out for help. Therapy is a fantastic way to work through the grieving process while learning more about yourself. Breakups are hard on people for different reasons. It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling. 

In fact, the sooner you do reach out for help, the sooner you’ll likely feel better about moving on and giving someone else a chance because you’ll be in a better place emotionally. 

No matter how long ago you went through a breakup, it’s never too late to get the help you deserve. Don’t hesitate to set up an appointment soon. 


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