Adulting is Hard - Here are 5 tips to cope

We like to use the word “adulting” in a lighthearted way, more often than not. However, using it as an actual verb is an easy reminder that being an adult…isn’t so easy. Yes, “adulting” is hard. Whether you’re just starting out as an official adult, or you’ve been doing it for years, and you’re still wondering when it gets easier, it’s important to find ways to cope. Being a grown-up means navigating through challenging waters again and again.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of coping mechanisms that will only make things more challenging. So, what can you do to cope with the common challenges associated with adulthood? How can you navigate the rocky waters of being a grown-up with grace? Let’s cover five tips that will make it easier.

1. Do What Inspires You

One of the hardest parts of adulting is figuring out which direction you’re supposed to go. Maybe you feel stuck in your career. Or, maybe you’re just starting out, and you’re not sure what you want to do with your life. Consider some of the things that inspire you. What are you passionate about? What are the hobbies you most enjoy?

You might think you can’t make a living doing something you love, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the best ways to cope with the stress of adulthood is to move toward the things that bring you joy and spark your interest. Even if you end up doing something as a side hustle or just as a hobby, it will still provide enjoyment and help you deal with stress.

2. Have a Strong Support System

As an adult, it can feel harder to make (and keep) friends than it was when you were younger. Work on building a support system that’s truly there for you. It’s nice to have people to go out with, but focus more on fostering deep relationships with people you can open up to.

Some research has found that it takes at least 10 quality interactions with someone before they will consider you a friend. Think about ways you can increase your opportunities to interact with people. If you only see someone once a month, it will likely be 10 months before it feels like a friendship.

3. Understand You’re Not Alone

You’re not the only one struggling to cope with adulting. Even if you’ve experienced setbacks or you feel like you’re stuck, you’re not the only one going through this. Don’t compare yourself to others—especially when it comes to social media. The things people post online are often nothing more than the highlight reels of their lives. If it seems like everyone your age is somehow “doing better” than you, they’re not. Everyone has their own struggles. Focus on what you can do to navigate your own waters without comparing your life to anyone else’s. 

4. Focus on taking care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself isn’t lazy, and it isn’t selfish. Finding small ways to reduce your stress every day is a fantastic way to maintain your mental well-being and feel good about the direction you’re going. Self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or lavish. It could be something as simple as cooking a healthy meal, exercising, or getting enough sleep. It won’t take long before self-care practices become a part of your daily routine. You’ll look forward to that time spent solely on yourself, and those little moments of stress relief can make a big difference in how you feel each day.

5. Don’t Deal With Adulting On Your Own

There’s often a lot of pressure, stress, and even uncertainty that comes with adulting. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you have to cope with everything on your own. 

If you’re struggling to navigate adulthood, consider reaching out to a mental health professional. Working with a therapist can keep you from coping in unhealthy ways, and help you learn effective skills to manage stress and maintain your mental health. Learn more about our therapists and reach out to learn more!


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